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The Unrivaled's Witch Page 4

  I asked, but he said it was a tale for another day. That you all deserved to know as well.

  “Yeah, his famous story.” Darcy said rolling her eyes.

  “Looks like we aren’t getting the story today either. Let’s at least have the pizza.” Weylin said settling against the cushions of the sofa and pulling forward a box. Darcy shook her head and followed suit.

  “Enjoy your dinner guys. When the boys leave, close up Darcy. I have my spare key I will let myself in.” Rebecca said suddenly getting up from the floor and going to the coat tree. She hurriedly pulled on her coat and her scarf.

  “Where are you going this late?” Darcy asked turning back on the sofa.

  “To old Mrs. Jenkinson’s. I just remembered. I promised to get her some supplies. Then brew the concoction for her arthritis.” Rebecca said as she slipped out of the room.

  “Hey, why don’t you take some pizza for Mrs. Jenkinson? There’s more than enough.” Zack called after her.

  “Yeah that’s only fair, since she paid for it.” Weylin put in. The others looked at him shocked then they all hooted and rolled with laughter, but Rebecca had already left.

  Chapter 9

  “Go away!” Arthur groaned as he heard the doorbell. It couldn’t be morning already. When the bell rang a second time he burrowed himself deeper under the pillows. Then he heard the definite click of his front door latch and the familiar creaking sound it made when opening.

  Alert now, he quickly got out of bed, pulled on the pair of jeans he had discarded at the foot of the bed before falling into it earlier, then ditched the shirt and went down the stairs with the stealth of a cat. As he was entering the living room, he felt the familiar scent and breathing pattern and he relaxed. It wasn’t either a burglar or an adversary. But he still walked up to his front door as it was just opening.

  “Are you breaking into my house?” he asked, his hands folded over his chest. As she peeped around the door her eyes went wide seeing him bare-chested and naked to the waist. The amulet she had seen in Andrea’s vision rested just at the base of his neck, hanging from a threadbare leather thong. He wished he had taken the time to put on a shirt. So much for his One Thousand years old girlfriend reborn in the modern age.

  “I rang. Twice.” Rebecca said coming in and shutting the door behind her, but she did not come in any further. She was already regretting her brash action of coming here into the house of a stranger, to check on him and his cold response was not helping.

  “Rebecca it's late. You shouldn’t be here at this hour.”

  “We practically lived together.”

  “That was One Thousand years ago and many lives back. You have been reborn four times since.”

  “As you have been so intent on proving it to me, things between us have not changed through time.”

  “Why are you here Rebecca?” he asked

  Because I was worried. You have gone through so much this evening. I just didn’t want to leave you alone. Believe it or not I wanted to protect you.” Something twisted inside him, hard. He wanted to rush forward, pull her into his arms and take her right there on the floor.

  “Good. In that case I am going back up to bed and you can take the couch and guard my virtue all night.” He said. Silently he put a nearly unbeatable curse on the front door so no one could get in then turned to go.

  “What is that scar on your back.” Rebecca asked suddenly and Arthur cursed himself for not having worn that T-Shirt. As he felt her approaching from behind he stiffened. He went as taught as a strung bow when she traced the centuries-old scar with her hand. Fire ignited as her finger traveled down from under his shoulder blade to the middle of his spine.

  “I have exactly the same scar. It starts right next to my ribs and goes down to my belly button. And on the back, it replicates just like the one you have here. It’s as if someone cut me through and through” Arthur winced at the memory of what had happened to her.

  Rebecca was still exploring his flesh with her fingers, while Arthur’s control was about to snap. He still stood there not turning back enduring the torture.

  “She killed me, didn’t she? Andrea? That’s why you said her transgression was the worst. She hurt your love. She hurt me. She must have stabbed me. But you did something to take it all on yourself. You tried to shield me. That’s why you have the exact same scar.” She said as she placed her palms on his hips and rested her forehead against his back.

  “You protected me, just like you promised, Arturo.” He felt hot tears run down the skin of his back and he swore under his breath and turned back. He crushed her to his chest in a death like a vice and rained kisses on the side of her face and down the column of her neck.

  “If you want to get out of this, now is your last chance, get out of here and don’t turn back. Otherwise I cannot be held responsible for what happens next.”

  “I want our first time to be in front of the fire.” She said dropping all pretense.

  “I am not going to make sweet love to you Rebecca. This will be a primal mating of an Unraveled and his chosen witch.”

  “I still want to do it in front of a fire.” She said indicating the fireplace with a nod.

  “In that case I have a bigger and better one burning upstairs for you.” He said smiling. Then he bent down and picked her up and started up the stone staircase. As they came to the first-floor landing, Rebecca sucked in a breath.

  The entire first floor was an indoor herb garden, covered only with paneled glass walls on all sides. Hundreds of thousands of herbs grew in big and small pots, pallets and small jars hanging from the wall and in three and four-tiered planters.

  “What is this place?”

  “It’s a wizard’s herbarium. I grow practically everything needed for the craft here.”

  “This is exquisite.”

  “Changed your mind about the fire?” he chuckled and she shook her head slowly still looking around with awe as the first-floor landing disappeared and they headed for the second floor.

  Chapter 10

  As they approached the second-floor landing, a door on the right flew open and Arthur walked in with Rebecca still in his arms. It was a spacious suite with a massive bed that could have comfortably accommodated five people at a time. A heap of thick, rumpled, blanket was thrown carelessly over the side indicating that the occupant had left in a haste.

  On the far side of the room was a massive stone fireplace with a wide stone hearth around it. Neatly cut logs of wood were stacked near it and several bottles with different colored liquids stood on the mantle above.

  There was a thick rug on the floor in front of the fireplace and as Arthur lowered her onto it, her feet dipped into the fleece to her ankles.

  “This place is beautiful.” She said looking around. Arthur said nothing, just quietly started undoing the buttons on the front of her top.

  “You have a big bed, how many people you sleep with at once?” He smiled warmly as he slipped the shirt over her shoulders and unclasped her bra with single-minded concentration.

  “You don’t waste any time.” Rebecca observed as Arthur unzipped her jeans and drew them down over her hips along with her panties.

  “Shut-up” he said softly as he drew out the clip that held her hair tied in a bun at the nape of her neck and threw it over the pile of clothes that had formed nearby. Then he buried his fingers in the mass of auburn silk that cascaded down her shoulders.

  “Your hair always made me crazy.” He said drawing his hand through it gently. Then he stepped back slightly and watched the journey of his fingers closely, as he drew them over the side of her face, down the column of her neck, between her breast and stopped just below her navel. This time he traced the scare back from the navel to just inside of her rib cage.

  He took her hand and drew her down with him to the fireplace. They knelt beside it and Arthur started putting a few logs over the dying embers. Then he leaned into a small alcove in the stone wall around the fireplace and drew out
some thin dry sticks and threw them in. A slight smoke swirled out giving out that same scent which she always smelled on him and which made her crazy.

  “What’s that scent? It’s so wild and heady!” she said leaning in and inhaling deeply.

  “It’s something you like.”

  Her voice had become slightly slurred by the effect of the smoke. Then suddenly she looked up at him and asked.

  “Are you trying to drug me?”

  “No.” Arthur said amused while he unbuttoned his jeans.

  “Then why am I talking funny?”

  “Because you are nervous.” He said standing in front of her naked.

  “Why would I be nervous?” Rebecca tried to chuckle but it came out all wrong like a stutter.

  “Because you have never done this before.” Arthur said coming to her and cupping her face with his palm.

  “You cannot possibly know that!” she said trying hard and failing miserably at nonchalance.

  “In fact, that is something I don’t have to be a wizard to know.” He said pushing her down lightly on the rug.

  “Can I still run?” she asked stroking his amulet with her finger as he laid down beside her. He shook his head.

  “Time up, Witch.” He said and covered her lips with his. Rebecca moaned at the pleasure as his body covered hers and pressed her further into the rug. Arthur deepened the kiss as his fingers roamed over her body. Then he withdrew his lips and traced a route starting at her earlobe and going down over her neck and over her shoulders.

  Rebecca thrust her hands through his hair and held him close. But he drew her hands away with his and pinned them over her head as his mouth closed over her nipple and he drew upon it hard. Rebecca gasped and arched her back at the new onslaught of pleasure. But Arthur didn’t stop. He pleasured one taught enhance then the other, nipping at her breast with his teeth, just enough to augment the pleasure but careful not to hurt.

  Rebecca was mindless with pleasure by the time he traced his lips down over her scar and drawing his fingers over her touching every sensitive nook of her untouched body.

  He looked her in the eye as he drew apart legs and his fingers found her core. She was wet and ready. Rebecca whimpered as he pushed his finger inside her fold and circled gently around her clit. He bent down and covered smothered the noise with his lips. As he inserted another finger inside her tight passage and pressed just a little harder around her nub she arched upwards and shuddered on a shattering orgasm.

  But Arthur was relentless. He continued to push his fingers in and out, keeping a close tab on his slipping control, as her insides tightened around his long fingers. He drove his thumb over her clit in quick firm circles.

  “Arthur please.” Rebecca gasped panting.

  “Not yet sweetheart. I am not done with you yet.” he said and just as she was starting to feel nearer to the release, he withdrew his fingers completely. She looked down at him in shock. He smiled, then lowered his mouth to where his hands had been. As Rebecca groaned in pleasure he held her hips in place with his hands and drew his tongue inside her. This time the release was quicker and longer than before.

  He pulled back then, and watched her from between the V of her legs with that dark hungry gaze of his. Raw desire shown in his intense blue eyes and Rebecca knew that what she had just felt was not even a fragment of what was to come. Her eyes dropped down to his shaft. It looked hard and desirous. He was so big Rebecca wondered if he would even fit inside her.

  Slowly, Arthur drew apart her knees and pushed them hard upwards. Then without any warning he pushed inside her, hard, sheathing himself to the hilt. Rebecca cried out as a sharp pain shot up her spine as he tore through her virginity. Her eyes teared and Arthur stayed buried inside her for a few seconds to give her the time to adjust. She was so tight around him.

  He drew back slowly, then drove in hard once again. This time he kept going, holding her hips in place with his hand, increasing his tempo with each shove. Pain and pleasure blended into one intense indistinct sensation as her insides cried out for release. Rebecca matched his rhythm, thrust for thrust as he pumped into her hard. The sheer size of him was stretching her to her limits drawing her nearer and nearer to ecstasy.

  The exquisite agony was too much for her to take. Rebecca screamed out his name just as the as her insides shattered into a thousand of little shreds of blissful pleasure just as he poured his seed into her womb.

  It was minutes before they could even move. Then Arthur crawled to the bed on all fours, pulled down a couple of pillows and the blanket, covered them both then drew her against him from behind, spooning her as they both drifted into a satiated slumber.

  Chapter 11

  When Rebecca opened her eyes, the fire was still glowing in the hearth. She stretched and the blanket fell back exposing her body. Rebecca started suddenly as she saw him sitting on the edge of the bed watching her intently. She half rose covering her body with the quilt. He smiled and hitched his shoulder.

  “There isn’t anything there to hide now love!” That was when Rebecca noticed something odd. He seemed kind of ethereal. He didn’t have a really solid body.

  “Why do you look so strange?” there was skepticism in her voice.

  “Because I am not really me.”

  “Then who are you?” she asked guardedly.

  “I am just a post-it.”

  “A post it?”

  “Yup. I am here to give you a message. I am going to drive down to the hospital to look up on a couple of patients. I will be back in an hour. Here is a present for you.” He said patting the bed next to him. There was bundle wrapped in a brown paper there “Get ready. Your friends called. They will be here soon. They are planning a picnic.” Saying that the ethereal form faded away.”

  An hour later Rebecca was bathed and dressed in a short blue skirt and a thin white top, perfectly fit for a picnic, that she had found in the brown paper bundle. There had even been underwear exactly her size. Since neither her friends nor Arthur had arrived she decided to go down. She found them all in the front yard. Her friends looked like they had just arrived and Arthur was just turning into the driveway.

  “Look who’s taking the walk of shame.” Darcy called out. Rebecca rolled her eyes and came closer.

  “Get in all of you. This is the only car we will all fit in.” They all filed into Arthur’s car, Rebecca getting in next to him, the boys in the back and the two girls in the middle with two huge picnic baskets.

  “Where to?” Arthur asked revving the engine and starting to back out.

  “Lore” Weylin called out from the back.

  “The island?” Arthur asked a little surprised.

  “Yes, it’s beautiful this time of the year. Everybody goes to Lore for picnics in October.” Darcy chattered on.

  “It’s an important piece in the history of Griffin’s Springs.”

  “Maybe Arthur’s not looking for history right now, maybe he's looking for some private spot you know…” Zack began.

  “Yeah and some quiet, so shut up the lot of you.” Arthur drawled as he pushed his dark glasses over his eyes and zoomed off into the direction of the pier. At the pier, they parked then took the ferry to go to the island.

  At the island, they ditched the regular tourist groups and the guides and followed Weylin and Darcy to the cliff side. The two seemed to be knowing quite a lot about the island and told the others about the important events in history that took place there.

  “Let’s take a nap, it’s too good a weather to do anything else.” Weylin said pushing into his mouth the last piece of apple pie and lying back down on the blanket.

  “I hate to tell you this but you need to help us clear this up first.” Darcy said throwing him a disgusted look.

  “Hard pass.”

  Before anybody could know what was happening a blue gleam of light shot from Darcy’s hands and struck Weylin in the chest. He was pulled to a sitting position as if with invisible hands then thrown against a thick
tree trunk behind. Weylin saw stars and his vision blurred, but he did not miss either Darcy’s killer gaze or the others staring at him.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Darce. You and your millionaire family always think you can control everyone.” Weylin grumbled as Zack pulled him up by the collar.

  “It's billionaire not millionaire. Don’t get on her bad side or she’ll turn you into something small, furry and edible.” Zack said casually moving his palm over Weylin’s chest just to make sure he was ok. Then he stopped suddenly at one particular spot and looked up at Weylin with worry.

  The girls had gone back to repacking the basket and only Arthur was standing near them watching and smiling.

  “What?” Weylin said looking at Zack suspiciously. But Zack did not say anything he just frowned deeper and pressed his palm a little harder at the point as if trying to feel something. Arthur chuckled and got himself a hateful look.

  “What is it? Do I have a tumor or a blocked artery?” Weylin inquired a little worried.

  “Worse.” Weylin said looking at him disgustedly and starting to walk away. He did not miss the smirk Arthur gave him as he passed in front of him.

  “Am I going to die?” Weylin asked going after Zack. He sounded positively distressed now. The girls heard him and turned to look. Zack turned back to him in mid-stride and lunged at him landing a blow against his jaw. For a moment his eyes flashed a cold dead blackness then back to their color.

  “That’s for my cousin!”

  “Hey, break it up, ok!” Arthur said breaking them up.

  Weylin looked from one man to the other, then at the girls, then said with confusion. What’s with you two?” He said and started walking off. Zack and Darcy looked at each other with guilt then went after him.

  “We will clean up.” Rebecca said to their backs.

  “What’s with them today? The island seems to have brought out the primitives in them. Come here and help.” Rebecca scolded Arthur.