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Marie, Laura - Victoria [Cop's Daughter 1] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 8

  “She couldn’t pick someone better? I don’t know…but every time I’m around her, I just don’t feel as close to her. Why couldn’t she confide in me or lean on me?”

  “The Mardullo and Malley curse,” Uncle Patrick replied.

  Peter squinted at his uncle, not quite understanding.

  “Stubborn as hell and then some. Every darn one of us. Your sister is tough to boot, and there’ll be no negotiating. Victoria’s the one female in this family that can give us men a run for our money. Sherry is just as stubborn and tough. We have to go talk to your mom. I’d rather her hear this information from me than a stranger.”

  Peter shook his head. “I hate to even think it, Uncle Pat, never mind say the words.”

  Patrick placed his hand on his nephew’s shoulder. “Neither can I, son…neither can I.”

  They headed toward the parking lot and returned to the police department.

  * * * *

  “Victoria, what’s wrong? Talk to me, will you?” Bret asked as the waitress finished clearing the table.

  “I’m sorry, Bret, I guess lunch wasn’t such a great idea.” She sighed and hoped she wasn’t overdoing it.

  Bret held her hand, and she could feel the gazes on them and knew the gossip would be flying. That’s exactly why she picked this place, and Bret appeared to be falling for it.

  “Let’s get out of here. We can go for a walk and you can tell me what’s bothering you. I have some more time before I need to get back.” Bret then paid the bill.

  They rose from their seats and headed toward the door when Victoria’s cousin Tom, a fireman, and some of his friends arrived. Tom looked shocked as he eyed her holding hands with Bret Collins.

  “Hey, Tom, long time no see,” she said sarcastically and Tom didn’t hide his annoyance.

  “I’ll meet you guys at the bar,” he told his friends as he stood next to his cousin.

  “Tom, this is Bret. Bret, my cousin Tom,” Victoria introduced them and Bret held out his hand, but Tom ignored it.

  “Tom!” Victoria said to her cousin, but he ignored her too as he gave Bret a dirty look, then glanced back at Victoria. He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “I gotta go, see ya later,” he told her, then walked away.

  Her heart felt as if it sank to her gut. Things couldn’t have gone any more smoothly if she had planned the chance meeting with her cousin ahead of time.

  Absorbing the feeling and allowing her emotions to surface, she rushed out the door and down the block to where she parked her blue Jeep by the corner. There was no one around as the tears escaped her eyes.

  “Victoria…Victoria!” Bret was there and instantly he embraced her.

  He gently rubbed her hair, caressed her back, and spoke softly into her ear.

  “It’s all right, darling…they’ll get over it. They love you and are just being protective. I’ll prove to them that I won’t hurt you.” He held her close.

  “I’m so sorry about Tom and about my reaction. You have no idea about what happened this morning. I’ve had it, Bret. I’ve just had it.” She drew him in deeper, hopefully convincing him that she needed him.

  “Tell me about it. I care about you.” He gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. As she explained about the new information on her father and about her family’s disapproval of their relationship, she found herself becoming more emotional and convincing.

  “I don’t want you to be sad. If this relationship is going to be too hard for you, I’ll understand if you want to stop it right now.” He held her hands in both of his own.

  For a moment, Victoria worried he may actually be serious.

  She took a deep breath, then lifted her teary, red eyes up toward him.

  “I don’t think I can stop it, Bret. I don’t want it to stop.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and fought the hurling feeling she had inside for pretending affection to her father’s killer.

  “Neither do I,” he whispered huskily before covering her lips with his own.

  * * * *

  It was nearly noontime the following day, and everyone gathered inside the conference center at SWAT team headquarters.

  “So you have no idea who this guy is, Peter?” his cousin Brian asked.

  “No, I told you guys a thousand times only the big shots know. Now, let’s sit down. They’re about to get started.” Peter took a seat, and Brian joined him.

  It was a casual meeting, a discussion about improving the department as well as new training methods. They talked about the military and some special training the new commander would be responsible for teaching them.

  “Well, without further ado, I’d like to introduce you to an old friend of many of yours, a great serviceman to our country, and now the SWAT team department…Commander Steven Soranno.”

  The crowd gasped in surprise and then roared in excitement. Steven was well known and very likable. The response was amazing, but Peter and Brian looked at each other in pure shock. Steven looked amazingly alive and well, which actually pissed them off.

  He was in perfect physical condition, trim, solid, military attitude and all. They watched and listened as he spoke about his intentions, and they waited, debating about what they would say to him and wondering how they would tell Victoria.

  As Steven finished talking, the group cheered again before concluding the meeting.

  Peter and Brian watched as the crowd seemed to gather around Steven and swallow him up.

  “I can’t believe this. He’s alive and well, and this is the first we’re seeing of him?” Brian stated.

  Peter remained silent. He was filled with mixed emotions—excitement, relief, and anger all combined. He couldn’t imagine how Victoria would react. The instant he thought of his sister, the sick feeling filled his stomach.

  When Steven had his chance to escape the crowd of old friends, he immediately rushed over to Peter and Brian.

  “I’m sorry, guys. I know this must be a shock. I thought your uncle Patrick would have told you.”

  “He knew about this? About you?” Brian asked as they shook hands.

  “Yes, I went to see him a couple of weeks ago when I first accepted the job. I needed to know about Victoria. I’m so sorry about your father, Peter.”

  “Well, you’re kind of late, man, in more ways than one,” Peter said sarcastically.

  * * * *

  Steven wasn’t surprised by Peter’s attitude.

  “I know I hurt your sister, and I plan on explaining everything to her as soon as I can,” Steven said.

  He had already seen her, without her knowledge. He watched her leave for work in the morning, her gorgeous, long brown hair and amazing body; she looked incredible, classy, and he wondered how to approach her.

  “Well, I’m not sure how she’ll react to you, man. She’s moved on,” Peter told him.

  “Yeah, in the wrong direction,” Brian added and explained what was going on with Victoria and Bret, as well as Danny Mardullo’s murder.

  “I can’t believe she’s seeing someone. I…” Steven was in shock.

  “She never forgot about you, Steven. She never dated anyone, and believe me, my sister can have her choice.” Peter crossed his arms in front of his chest and glared at Steven.

  “I hope I’m not too late.”

  “That’s up to you, Steven. My cousin has been acting strange these last few weeks. The family is concerned. We keep blaming it on the anniversary of her father’s death, but I think it’s more, and so does Peter.” Brian glanced around, being sure no one was in ear shot.

  “Talk to me, guys. Tell me everything you know. I love her. I’ve never stopped loving her and I won’t.”

  Peter took a deep breath as Brian filled Steven in on Danny Mardullo’s murder, the new information about to be released, and Victoria’s sudden interest in Bret Collins.

  By the end of their conversation, they were talking to other officers in the task force about the plans for later in the evening.

; A few hours later, everyone met at Phill’s to celebrate Steven’s return.

  * * * *

  “You’re doing fantastic, Victoria. I would never know you were just acting. He’s buying it, and I’m sure he’ll make his offer soon,” Warren told her as she spoke on her cell phone.

  “I don’t know how long I can pull this off. I’m hurting my family. You should have seen the way my cousin Tom acted today. It hurt so bad.”

  “But you pretended to lean on Collins. You let your true emotions help you act. You were great.”

  “You were there? You were watching?”

  “I told you we would be. There’s no way we’d leave you alone with him. Don’t worry, you’re doing fine and we’ll touch base with you soon.”

  Don’t worry—that’s easy for him to say. She closed the phone and sat in her car outside her house. Just then, she heard a car pull up alongside hers in the driveway. Her brother Peter got out, and he didn’t look too happy. Victoria swallowed hard, preparing herself for a battle with her brother over Bret.

  “Let’s go inside and talk. You look tired,” he told her. She locked her Jeep door and headed toward the walkway.

  “I am tired.”

  Once they were inside, Victoria offered her brother a glass of iced tea and he accepted.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, Victoria, and it’s important.”

  “I don’t want to hear anything else about Bret, Peter.”

  “It’s about Steven,” he shot back at her.

  Instantly, she swung around toward him. “What about Steven?” She just couldn’t bear any other bad news, not after the past few days. She would lose it right now if Steven were dead.

  “He’s alive, Tory, and he’s back in town.”

  She was shocked, flabbergasted, as a lump formed in her throat along with a mix of emotions.

  “What? Where is he? Why didn’t he come to see me? What?”

  Peter grabbed her hands and settled her down, then explained the situation. She realized suddenly that it must have been Steven who’d sent the flowers to her office.

  Attempting to bring her back to the present, Peter placed his hand under her chin and gently lifted it toward him.

  “I think a lot happened to him in the war, sis, and he’s having difficulty coming to see you. He feels bad for not being here for you when Dad was killed. He felt he had no choice but to break all connections to the civilized world, I guess. I’m sure he’ll explain everything to you.”

  “Where is he now? Is he coming here?”

  “The guys are having a welcome home celebration for him at Phill’s tonight. I’m supposed to bring you there. He asked me to.”

  Victoria was in shock. Steven was alive and only minutes away.

  She felt dizzy and nauseous as she held onto her brother for support.

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  “I can’t believe he’s alive and here in River Point.”

  She turned away.

  What would he look like, be like, after all this time? How should she react to him? She thought so many things, then halted at the realization of the current situation.

  She had a role to play, a job to do, and finding her father’s killer, capturing him, meant more to her than anything she could ever want for herself.

  Glancing up, she caught Peter watching her. No doubt, he was concerned and probably wondered what was wrong with her.

  “I couldn’t imagine how you feel right now, Tory, but at least the worrying is over—he’s alive! And he’s in our town, and he’s here to stay.”

  Victoria remained silent so Peter continued. He explained about Steven’s new position.

  “You have to talk to him, honey. You have to give him a chance to explain things to you.”

  Still no response from Victoria. As if losing his patience with her, Peter snugly grabbed her arms.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re not acting like yourself at all.”

  “I need to think about this a little, Peter.”

  “What’s there to think about, Tory? Steven is back. He loves you. You’ve prayed for this day.”

  She could tell Peter was getting angry with her, but at the moment, her head was spinning in a state of confusion, relief, anger, and upset.

  She stayed silent, gave no response, and Peter stood there watching her. She was shaking. She fought as hard as she could to hold the tears inside. “I’ll meet you there later, all right?”

  “Are you sure? What is it, Tory? Talk to me.”

  “I…I need to be alone.” Her voice cracked as she turned away.

  The silence passed between them.

  “You used to tell me everything. You can talk to me about anything, Tory…anything at all.”

  Victoria gulped the lump of emotion in her throat and willed the tears away. Silently in her mind, she called out to her brother with the desire to share her secret, but she knew she couldn’t. He would insist she stop and leave the investigating to the detectives.

  “Are you sure?” he asked again when she didn’t respond.

  She nodded.

  He kissed her on the top of her head and headed out the door.

  Moments later, she was in a panic as she quickly changed her clothes. She then reapplied her makeup and an hour later sat on the couch, just watching the clock.

  She was so scared. She couldn’t move. Visions of all the wonderful times she and Steven had together came crashing into her mind. The way he’d surprise her with a bouquet of wildflowers out of nowhere, just as he did yesterday.

  She should have figured it out. But because of the investigation and her new undercover gig, she hadn’t even noticed. But why wouldn’t Steven come see her immediately? Why wait so long, get the new position at work, and let the community know he was alive and well before her? The thought hurt immensely.

  Her mind had been traveling in circles as she continued to ponder going over to Phill’s. Everyone would be there, her whole family. His whole family.

  She pulled her wallet out of her purse and dug out the small wallet-size picture of her and Steven. It was a time when their lives were perfect and they were deeply in love. She embraced the photo as she recalled the way he made her feel, always wanting him, needing him every day and every night.

  She tried to forget the lovemaking, the intimacy they shared and its power. His kisses alone made her whole body tingle. Then there was the war and his need to be a Marine first. She respected him for it, and at the same time she hated him for it. It destroyed everything they shared, including their future. He’d tossed her away like garbage.

  Here she stayed in this condo, worrying, not eating, crying herself to sleep every night, and there he was pushing her away farther and farther. He got his wish, and now she had something more important to handle. Then when he finally returned, he didn’t come to see her first? Why?

  With these final thoughts, she gave herself a reassuring smile in the full-length mirror and headed out the door, praying the pep talk was enough.

  Chapter 6

  Ronnie Chappa nearly crashed his car into the adjacent vehicle as he maneuvered into the empty parking space at his apartment complex. He made it home, no problem, even though he was drunk. If he got pulled over, more than likely he’d know the cop and get out of it. He didn’t give a shit anyhow. Most of the cops had probably stopped by Phill’s tonight for Steven the Marine’s welcome home party. He wasn’t invited, of course, because the other cops were jealous of him. The asshole captain chewed him out this afternoon as soon as he and the rookie arrived at the department. Everyone heard, and he’d needed a drink. He didn’t give a shit what they thought.

  He was moving up, and as soon as Bret Collins made supervisor, he would get his shield and be an official detective. Never mind the fact he would be one of the wealthiest and best-paid detectives in town. It was good to have a corrupt supervisor in charge as well as corrupt board members that had the power to pass and dismiss anything they wanted
to. The trick was to have them in one’s pocket, and that’s exactly the power Collins had.

  He laughed with pride, then tripped on the sidewalk. His face hit the pavement, and he grunted then laughed as he attempted to get himself up.

  “Let me help you, Officer Chappa.” Ronnie heard the familiar voice. The man grabbed his arm and assisted him.

  “What are you doing here?” He tried to shake the drunkenness from his head, which just added to his stupor as he laughed, then he bent down to retrieve his keys from the pavement.

  “You’ve had a few too many. Been talking a bit too much, huh?”

  “No, sir, I haven’t. I only had a few. I’m fine.”

  The man gave him a jab to the stomach. Instantly, Chappa was back on the ground again. The man then dragged him back toward his car.

  “Let’s ride in my car. It’s better than your piece of shit.”

  “Where are we going?” Chappa still tried to recover from the blow.

  “You’re going to the grave, my man. My needs have changed.” Chappa felt a sharp pain to the back of his head right before he passed out.

  * * * *

  The music blared, and everyone was having a good time.

  Victoria had remained outside in the parking lot for a good fifteen minutes until someone recognized her. Her brother’s friend Jerry, a police officer, walked her inside from the parking lot. There was no turning back now.

  It was obvious everyone recognized her immediately when she entered through the front door. She smiled politely, but her heart pounded out of control. Her body shook, and she scanned the room for Steven. Their gazes met simultaneously and both of them froze where they were. Her hand instinctively covered her mouth in shock, and the tears burned her eyes. The strength she got from her pep talk earlier just disintegrated in one poof—it was gone.

  He was more handsome than she recalled, taller, sexier, and in exquisite physical condition. She could feel herself blush, her heart race, her mouth become dry. Damn it, she never loved anyone more.